I dont know why but everytime you finish a game (regardless of the platform) you get a sense of completion and maybe even a sense of achievement, is that being stupid or silly or is that your small private moment of glory. I had one such moment today about 15 mins back I finished Medal of Honor Rising Sun, I know its one game in the endless line of games that EA had created but so what! Apart from that its the first shooter that I have actually managed to finish on the PS2 or any cosole for that matter. Believe me there were times where I wanted to give up but that fact alone in the back of my head kept me going.So how was the game? I had played the demo of MOHAA some time back for the PC never got it though as I was playing way too many games at that time and like books I like to finish a certain set of games before I delve into the new ones maybe thats why I keep lagging and cant keep up with the market coz unlike movie if (and this a big IF) there is a good game released every week then I shudder to think about what will happen to the peopl who just want to keep up with the latest. But i digress here is my assesment of the game - The game had a good amount of gameplay time on the normal difficulty mode I dint quiet count it and would not be fair either coz this being one of the few fiost person shooters I have played on PS2 took me some time to get used to the console so i am guessing about 20 odd hours of time...ya I think thats a fair estimate some of it were good others were just mundane.
- I must confess I am a fan of the WWII shooting games I have at different times played the various games out there in that genre I posted a critique of Call of Duty as well so the scenery the various levels in the game and of course the weapons are something that I look forward too. this game did not disappoint on those count.
- But I must say there are some serious errors that kept showing up in the game some of them plain annoying the most insinuating ones that I noted were as follows
- If this is suppose to be an army game where are my comrades, I can understand a small mission or two where I have to bear it out by myself but this was ridiculous there were entire missions where I was just going about by myself and my stupid commrade characters were there just to say "oh ya we are in trouble please get us out"
- Enemies are immortal...you take a good sniper rifle with a scope, a steady hand ,good focus and aim, and fire a shot at the head of the opponent and all he does is shrug it off like a mosquito just bit him I dont care what kind of a person you are you have to die. If that wasn't enough in the last level an enemy soldies is standing right next to a gas barrel and a fighter plane for crying out loud I shoot the barrel the plane and the barrel are blown to pieces but the soldier out there pretends to have a seizure of some sort is thrown off balance for a couple of seconds and then he is back at you what do you have to do???
- I think since the designers could not come up with an innovative way to make the game difficult they chose the easy route out they just put the damn save points further and further apart with each passing level to the point where it got annoying I know the console limits you for the saves but please dont use that as an excuse to not be able to design a well balanced level
- Then there are other game mechanics related things which I am willing to let go but I ust add that there are other games out there in the market that allow you to do them things like wshen the gun is in the zoom mode (read as eye level) I can still move about and sneak up on an enemy.
- Talking about sneaking looks like every soldier is either high on adrenaline or have each been bitten by the spider that helps them develop an amazing sense of where I am. There is no way I was able to sneak up on people without aerting them this maybe my fault but I could not help wondering is it?
Even though I have given a laundry list of faults with the game, maybe its because I am picky, but I did enjoy the game, the story progression and the simple fact that it takes place in the WWII setting but I am sure glad I did not buy this one but borrowed it from a friend of mine :) Maybe the next one I will buy or rent it first and then see if I want to buy it